My alarm was set for 4.30 am. This could only mean one thing. Yep I'd arranged another trip with Gordie, destination Windermere. I arrived at his house at 5.31am, I said I'd be there for 5.30. He was stood by his boat tapping his watch and shaking his head, he's a stickler for punctuality. The weather was sunny and very mild, as opposed to my last visit to Windermere when it rained most of the day. We launched the the boat by around 8 O'clock and we were on our way to some more of Gord's Pike hot spots. Gord was in to his first Pike within an hour, a low double which fell to a Joey Mackerel. Soon and on the same spot another Pike was boated, a fish around 12 pounds. We moved on, and another fish was soon in the boat. Gord was caining them! He was just telling me to keep my spirits high, and that I would soon catch, when he was proven right, my first Pike was boated, it was caught on a spoon that I was working at a distance of fifty yards. It was no Hawg, a Jack of around 5 pounds. Gord chinned it and retrieved the Spoon, and much to my dismay returned it to the water, before I could even get my words out. "Arrrrrgggh" I cried "What about a photo? I may not catch again today" This turned out to be rather prophetic. As indeed I did not catch again that day. The only activity I had was when another Pike struck my spoon but came off, and when I was retrieving a wayward cast, a Pike struck my dead bait, "Fish On" I cried, much to Gord's Amazement, I struck into the bite but the Pike shook off. Gord explained to me that I should have let the Pike run rather than strike. I was gutted it felt like a good fish. When we arrived at the water Gord predicted what time the Pike would feed, he said between 9 and 11.30 Apparently it was all based around the time of the Moon Rise. He was right, all fish were boated before 12.00pm In total eight were boated, one for me and an impressive seven for Gord, the biggest being around 13lb's. Another great day on Windermere I'm ready for the next outing already, my quest for a Windermere double continues..................