Sunday, 11 April 2010

A taste of things to come

Many a fisherman will tell you that Fly Fishing is the purest form of fishing, I for one would be inclined to agree. A friend of mine was to fish a fly fishery that is very local to me today so I took this as a great opportunity to watch his casting techniques and have a general chat about a side of fishing that I confess at this point know little about.

I can tell you that from spending what was probably around an hour or so watching him casting that I was absolutely dying to have a go. This is definitely a branch of fishing that I want to learn all about, and will book myself in for a lesson over the coming weeks. I'll also be taking Paul's offer of joining him for a day in the not so distant future.

I was just about to leave him to his days fishing when he got a take, a hard fighting Rainbow Trout put a great bend in his rod. Great fun! Now I just need to pick some cheap fly fishing gear up from somewhere :)

Readying the net

Rainbow Trout 3lb's ish