Another session was arranged with Beef and Kenny, this was to be their third session with me, and as yet neither has caught. They're becoming more and more determined, today was going to their day surely? The last time we went Piking, we sat for over 14 hours without any sign of a Pike. Today I baited up cast out my line and had a fish on the bank within 5 minutes, a good size fish and my biggest of the season so far, it weighed 9lb 8oz. Within an hour and a half I was in again, this time a smaller fish of 7lb 10oz, but it wasn't happy and gave a very good account of it self. As for Beef and Kenny, today wasn't to be their day after all, and once again they both blanked. They must be starting to hate me :-) I've arranged to have another session with kenny on Monday.
(26 Sep 2008) (Moon Rise 03.14) (Moon Set 17.39) (Moon Phase N/A)
(26 Sep 2008) (Moon Rise 03.14) (Moon Set 17.39) (Moon Phase N/A)
Quickest Dead Bait Catch ever