I couldn't decide whether to go piking or not today, I decided to give it a miss, but the mild weather that we were having made me change my mind. This decision proved to be a very good one indeed. I headed back to the swim that I previously labeled as feeling very Pikey, I was rods in by 11am but was to be kept waiting for a few hours for my first fish, a Jack Pike of around 6lb's, no monster, but a blank was spared. Just after 5pm my float was away again, I struck into the take and whilst playing the fish I could see that I was connected to a substantial Pike. A guy I was chatting to was at hand to net the fish, nicely done mate. I was well and truly in the zone, my adrenaline was pumping and I was delighted when the scales showed 17lb 10oz, this is my new drain PB, a nice reward for the recent effort that I've put in.
New Drain PB 17lb 10oz