When I set the alarm for 2:15 am that can only mean one thing. A day's fishing on Juke with Ben was a foot.
We arrived at the water just as day was breaking. As we are becoming more familiar with the water we have started to name the various swims that we fish. Some of which will not make any sense to anyone but myself and Ben. I will refer to them throughout the blogging as they will make a valuable reference tool for years to come.
We anchored up in 26 Bay and sat it out for a few hours. We fished 2 dead baits each and cast various lures in the area. Nothing came to the lures, but one of Ben's floats signalled a take. Wow! Was this to be the first fish to be boated on the new boat? Both our hearts were racing as the float started to move off. I readied the net... Then it stopped. The Pike had dropped the bait. Damn! We concluded that it must have been a small Jack Pike, the bait was a fair sized Mackerel, too big for the rooting Jack.
A couple more swims were tried and early afternoon we dropped anchor at Seagull Island. We'd been there perhaps half an hour when my float started bobbing. Yes! I was in! I struck the take and a positive resistance confirmed that indeed I had a fish on. We were fishing over 20ft of water and it was an amazing sight to see her as she came up to the surface. I'm not used to catching Pike in 'gin clear' water. The first fish on Juke weighed 10lb 10oz. Not a bad start to our boating adventues.
Ben has some great video footage of her going back into the water. I'll post that as soon.
We finished off the session with a bit of trolling. A good way to learn the water and to find features, depths and drop offs etc. Ben even had a take. Alas it came off. Time to read up all about Trolling for our next visit then.
The first boated Pike. 10lb 10oz

A very low flying Chinook Helicopter