Saturday 12 March 2011

Panto has the last laugh!

Four days of the fishing season left and the chance for another session was not to be missed. I'd arranged to meet up with Panto, who I'd wager was still kicking himself for missing out on the previous days action.

Panto is no fool and had wasted little time in setting up on the peg that had produced fish for me the day before. I don't blame him I'd have done the same.

When I arrived at the swim I asked the dreaded question "Have you had owt?" I braced myself for the answer... "Yep two fish, both around 8 or 9 pounds"

But he'd done something that I couldn't believe, just as I got there he'd leapfrogged off the peg leaving it empty. What was he thinking? I thought, and as quick as a flash I jumped on it.

Ten minutes later I was in and Panto was left as sick as a parrot as I landed my first double of the day 14lb 2oz. Was it the same 14 that I'd had a couple of days previously? After checking the photographs at home I can confirm that they're actually different fish.

Another 20 minutes went by and I was in again from the same spot, another double and Panto was as white as a sheet.

Dont' worry mate your time will come...

Well lets just say that never a truer word was spoken, and indeed his time did come. I'm afraid at this point I'm not at liberty to discuss the events. I will do a follow on report in a month or so. Watch this space!

14lb 2oz

11lb 14oz
Scraper Double