As a result of the bad weather we have had of late, the rivers that I fish are very high and coloured. Not ideal conditions for catching ravenous Pike. I came up with the idea that instead of sitting at home wishing we were fishing we should head off to Liverpool and try our hand at a bit of Sea Fishing. Myself and Beef had a couple of sessions last year, with mixed results. I did though catch a Cod, Whiting, and a couple of 3 Bearded Rockling. So Beef, Kenny and yours truly headed off to Mariners Wharf. Expectations were high. We had come cracking fresh Lug Worm for bait, and I quite fancied our chances. We arrived just as the tide was coming in, and upon our arrival we were told by a fellow angler that it was "Fishing it's head off" Brilliant! This was a great confidence booster. An hour or 2 came and passed without so much as a knock on either of our rods. Suddenly the prospect that perhaps today wasn't to be our day after all was dawning. Watching other anglers it soon became apparent that they too were not catching. It would seem as though we had chosen a bad day catching wise. Could it have anything to do with the amount of fresh water that had entered into the river? No catches this time, but we'll definitely give it another go.