Wednesday 7 May 2008

A Scorcher of a day at Hurlston Hall

Common Carp 7lb 14oz
Another Common 9lb 4oz
Beef's new friend
Cracking common caught on floating bread
Commons were definitely common today

The weather was absolutely gorgeous today, the temperature hit the high 70's. Perfect Carping weather. After much discussion between myself and Beef we decided once again to head to Hurlston Hall, the reason for this is that the last two times we fished there, we didn't do that well. I put this down our choices of swim. On Monday I observed the lake and in particular which pegs were producing the most fish, so armed with this knowledge we went to the pegs that were producing the goods. A Good decision, as between Myself and Beef we landed 17 fish between us. 10 for Beef and 7 for myself, my catches were 4 Tench and 3 Common Carp. one at around 6lb one at 7lb 14oz, and finally my biggest Carp from this water at 9lb 4oz. All my Carp were caught with hair rigged 12mm halibut pellets. Beef had a fantastic time, he was caining them by using floating bread, he had around 7 or 8 commons to around 9lb 7oz. Apart from a brief visit from the Circus again we had a great day today. Next time I fish there I'll have a go at surface fishing.

Don't forget to put your bait runner on!